Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tomber dans les Pommes French Expression Explained

The French expression: Tomber dans les pommes  (pronounced [to(n) bay da(n) lay puhm]) means to faint or pass out. It has an informal  register  and literally translates to to fall in the apples. You might also hear the variation  partir dans les pommes (to leave in[to] the apples) Explanation The French expression tomber dans les pommes is a cute way of saying that someone fainted, but I wish I knew why/how apples are related to a state of unconsciousness.* This strange link continues in the equally informal expression rester dans les pommes - to (continue to) be out cold, to remain unconscious. *According to Le Grand Robert, the probable origin is George Sands à ªtre dans les pommes cuites, a play on à ªtre cuit (to be exhausted) in Rey et Chantreau, but that still doesnt explain what apples have to do with anything. Example Nayant rien mangà © depuis plus de 12 heures, elle est tombà ©e dans les pommes.Not having eaten anything for more than 12 hours, she passed out.

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